Jan 18, 2011

Belgravia Owners - Wake up !

All those who own apartments in Belgravia of Central Park 2 should be reminded of this advertisement published in page 6 of the Times of India, Delhi Edition dated 18 June 2010. It clearly states that the apartments will be ready for fitouts in Dec 2010. Of course there's a "#conditions apply" to it but that doesn't mean you delay the date by a couple of years, does it?
Not specially if you're publishing the ad in June 2010 saying we've completed 30 months of construction, only 6 more months left and then delay it by a year or two more.

As per a very renowned lawyer, if a contract is to build something in 36 months, a normal delay of 10% of the time is acceptable, any delay beyond that would mean investors and owners can seek interest and compensation.

Belgravia owners should be prepared for a long battle ahead.

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